Andrew G. Mortensen D.D.S.

Are You a Good Candidate for a Custom Mouthguard?

Oct 30, 2014 @ 10:28 AM — by Andrew Mortensen, DDS
Tagged with: Mouth Guards Tmj Teeth Grinding

You may be surprised to learn that millions of Americans could benefit from wearing custom mouthguards, yet only a small fraction of these Americans actually do wear them. In fact, most people probably don’t realize that their local restorative dentistry practices offer custom mouthguards, let alone that they might be excellent candidates for them.

At the cosmetic and comprehensive dentistry practice of Andrew G. Mortensen D.D.S. in Fountain Valley, mouthguard candidates encompass a wide range of people leading a wide variety of lifestyles. Whatever their unique needs, these patients share one trait in common: their teeth and mouths require extra protection from harm. While over-the-counter and boil-to-fit mouthguards offer a small degree of protection, only custom-crafted mouthguards offer full protection with maximum comfort.

Whether you need a mouthguard for a specific purpose or a mouthguard is recommended as part of a comprehensive therapeutic plan, you can depend on Dr. Mortensen to provide you with a solution that is precisely suited to you.

Are you a good candidate for a mouthguard?

Most patients whose teeth require special protection from trauma or wear are good candidates for custom mouthguards. While custom mouthguards are more expensive than their drug-store counterparts, they offer numerous benefits to patients:

You are also likely to be a good candidate for a custom mouthguard if you:

Learn More about Custom Mouthguard Candidacy

To learn whether you are a good candidate for a custom mouthguard, please contact the dental practice of Andrew G. Mortensen D.D.S. today.