Andrew G. Mortensen D.D.S.

Closing the Gap: Treatment for Gapped Teeth

Jan 29, 2016 @ 09:00 AM — by Andrew Mortensen, DDS
Tagged with: Cosmetic Dentistry Restorative Dentistry

If gapped teeth are making you unhappy with the appearance of your smile, you may wish to undergo dental treatment. Cosmetic dentistry treatments can dramatically improve the smile's appearance by closing gaps between teeth and addressing other dental flaws. To discuss which treatment for gapped teeth is right for your needs, schedule a consultation with Fountain Valley, CA dentist Andrew G. Mortensen. In the meantime, learn more about treatments for gapped teeth in this overview.

Underlying Causes of Gapped Teeth

You may wonder if gaps between the teeth, also known as a diastema, poses a threat to oral health. Naturally occurring diastemas generally don't pose a threat to oral health, however, a diastema that occurs due to tooth loss or problems with the swallowing reflex can lead to other problems. This makes it important to understand the underlying cause of gapped teeth in order to determine the proper treatment. Some causes include:

Treatment Options for Gapped Teeth

Treating gaps between the teeth can improve aesthetics, and in cases where teeth are missing, it can even help restore dental function. There are multiple treatment options to close gaps between teeth and improve the smile's appearance. Once the underlying cause of a patient's gapped teeth is determined, the appropriate treatment can also be performed. Treatments may be performed alone or combined to create a beautiful, gap-free smile. Some treatments to improve the appearance of gapped teeth include:

Find Out Which Treatment Is Right for You

To find out which treatment is best for your needs, we welcome you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Mortensen.