Andrew G. Mortensen D.D.S.

Implant-supported Dentures

Apr 21, 2019 @ 09:00 AM — by Andrew Mortensen, DDS
Tagged with: Dentures Dental Implants

Widespread tooth loss can develop as a result of gum disease, decay, or injury. Missing teeth can impact your quality of life, limiting abilities such as chewing and speaking.

Implant-supported dentures allow patients who are missing multiple teeth or an entire dental arch to regain a healthy, natural-looking smile. With decades of experience rebuilding smiles using implant-supported dentures, Dr. Andrew G. Mortensen can help you feel confident in your smile again.

Implant-supported restorations are an effective treatment option for patients who have suffered significant tooth loss and who are seeking a long-term solution. Contact our Fountain Valley, CApractice to find out if implant-supported dentures are right for you.

A Superior Solution

In the past, traditional dentures were the recommended treatment option for tooth loss. However, due to the fact they simply rest on the gums, these restorations often fail to stay in place. In addition, they do nothing to stop the bone loss that naturally occurs after tooth loss.

In comparison, implant-supported dentures are held in place by dental implants that are surgically inserted into the jawbone. The implant posts fuse with your bone, sending regenerative signals that retain the shape of your jaw and prevent bone atrophy. Implant-supported restorations are an effective treatment option for patients who have suffered significant tooth loss and who are seeking a long-term solution.

Are You a Candidate?

Not every patient will qualify implant-supported dentures. You may be a good candidate if you:

Dr. Mortensen will perform a complete examination to determine your candidacy and recommend the best treatment for you.

The Process of Placing Implant-supported Dentures

The first step to receiving a durable, stable restoration is to set up a consultation with us to discuss your options. If, after evaluating the state of your oral health and discussing your needs, it is decided that implant-supported dentures are the right option for you, our team will design a custom treatment plan to meet your unique needs.

We will refer you to a trusted, qualified oral surgeon in the area to have your dental implants placed. After surgery, you will undergo a three- to six-month healing process. During this time, the implants will permanently fuse with your jawbone.

Once you have fully recovered and your abutments have been attached, Dr. Mortensen will take impressions so a dental lab can fabricate your customized restoration. In the meantime, a temporary restoration may be placed while you wait.

Once the restoration is completed, we will ensure that it fits properly and meets your expectations before securing it in place, leaving you with a more attractive smile.

The Benefits of Implant-Supported Dentures

Compared to traditional dentures, there are a host of benefits available to patients who choose to improve their smile with implant-supported dentures, including:

Enjoy Superior Comfort and Support

If you are considering implant-supported dentures, consult with us to discuss your options. We will help you determine the best plan for restoring your smile and improving your health. To schedule a consultation, contact our team online or call us at (714) 964-4183 in Fountain Valley today.