Andrew G. Mortensen D.D.S.

Mouthguards for TMJ Disorder

May 26, 2020 @ 12:48 PM — by Andrew Mortensen, DDS
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TMJ disorder (TMD) is a painful condition in which the jaw joints become inflamed. It can be caused by bruxism, arthritis, injury, or other types of wear and tear. Symptoms may include orofacial pain, headaches, earaches, and more. Custom oral appliances are a common TMD treatment option offered by Dr. Andrew G. Mortensen at our Fountain Valley, CA, practice. Here, we will explore how mouthguards for TMJ disorder can help alleviate symptoms and improve your overall quality of life.

How a Mouthguard Reduces TMD Symptoms

If you suffer from the effects of TMD, your dentist may recommend a custom oral appliance. This device fits snugly over the teeth and shifts the jaw into a more favorable position, reducing the pressure that leads to pain and tenderness. A custom mouthguard can:

Types of Mouthguards for TMJ Disorder

The type of mouthguard required depends on the specific symptoms of each patient. Because every individual is unique, your Fountain Valley, CA, dentist will design an appliance tailored to your needs. There are two primary types of mouthguards for TMJ disorder:

Other Ways to Improve TMD Symptoms at Home

During a consultation at our Fountain Valley practice, Dr. Mortensen can help determine which type of treatment is right for you. If you are not a candidate for oral appliance therapy, there are other ways to reduce TMD symptoms:

Schedule a TMD Consultation Today

If you suspect you might have TMD, schedule a consultation at our Fountain Valley, CA, practice to explore your treatment options. Contact us online or give us a call at (714) 964-4183.