Andrew G. Mortensen D.D.S.

Conceal Dental Gaps with Porcelain Veneers

Dec 23, 2019 @ 10:00 AM — by Andrew Mortensen, DDS
Tagged with: Porcelain Veneers

Large gaps between the teeth can detract from the overall beauty of the smile. Most often, gaps develop between the top front teeth, making them especially difficult to conceal. Gaps can leave people self-conscious about the appearance of their smile.

Many people with gapped teeth avoid treatment because they assume that orthodontic treatment is the only solution. Fortunately, Dr. Andrew G. Mortensen offers a much faster option. Porcelain veneers bond to the front of the teeth to completely makeover the smile. Porcelain veneers conceal gaps to give our Fountain Valley, CA, patients a more beautiful smile.


If gapped teeth have you feeling dissatisfied with your smile, you may be an ideal candidate for porcelain veneers treatment. These cosmetic prosthetics bond to the facial surface of the teeth to hide imperfections, such as gaps. As long as a person has good oral health and structurally sound teeth, porcelain veneers are a possible solution.

We must note that porcelain veneers are solely a cosmetic solution. Porcelain veneers make the teeth look straighter and more uniform, but they don’t actually change the spacing of the teeth.

Since gaps usually don’t interfere with oral functions, this shouldn’t be a problem. However, if our Fountain Valley patients are suffering from complications related to malocclusion problems, they may be better suited for orthodontic treatment to improve the spacing of the teeth and the position of the bite.

Porcelain Veneers Treatment

Individuals who are candidates for porcelain veneers can completely makeover the appearance of their smile in as few as two dental appointments. The entire treatment process can usually be completed within just a few weeks. This is significantly faster than orthodontic treatment, which typically takes a year or longer.

At their initial appointment, patients will work with Dr. Mortensen to design their porcelain veneers. We customize the size, shape, and color of veneers to create prosthetics that will conceal gaps and enhance the smile, while still blending in with the natural teeth.

This appointment also involves prepping the teeth for treatment by removing a small layer of tooth enamel. Once the teeth are reshaped, we will take dental impressions. Impressions allow our dental laboratory to fabricate porcelain veneers that fit comfortably and securely over the patient’s teeth.

Two to three weeks after the fabrication process begins, we should have the patient’s permanent porcelain veneers. At this time, the patient will return to have their veneers put in place. Porcelain veneers are secured with the bonding process. We adhere veneers to the teeth with a thin layer of dental compound. The compound is hardened with a dental light that bonds the veneers to the teeth. Once porcelain veneers are secure, they should last for 10 years or more.

Additional Benefits of Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers effectively conceal gaps to give our Fountain Valley patients the attractive smile they desire, but they offer many more benefits as well:

Schedule an Appointment

If you have gapped teeth and are looking for a quick and effective way to enhance your smile, you may be an ideal candidate for porcelain veneers. To learn more about this cosmetic dentistry treatment, call (714) 964-4183 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Andrew G. Mortensen.