Andrew G. Mortensen D.D.S.

Dental Crown Treatment for the Front Teeth

May 22, 2021 @ 09:00 AM — by Andrew Mortensen, DDS
Tagged with: Dental Crowns For The Front Teeth

Dental crowns are one of the most commonly applied dental restorations. Dental crowns completely surround the crown of a tooth to enhance its strength and appearance. Individuals preparing to undergo dental crown treatment often have several questions about the procedure. Questions are especially common when dental crowns are applied to the front teeth, or those that are most visible.

Here, Dr. Andrew G. Mortensen answers frequently asked questions regarding dental crowns for the front teeth, and provides a brief overview of what to expect during dental crown treatment at his Fountain Valley, CA, dental practice.

Why Do I Need Dental Crowns?

Dental crowns are one of the most versatile dental restorations, so there are numerous reasons that someone may be a suitable candidate for a dental crown. Most commonly, dental crowns are applied to the front teeth to improve their appearance, enhance their strength, and/or protect them from further damage associated with dental complications such as:

What Type of Crown Will I Get?

Dental crowns can be composed of several different materials, including gold or metal, porcelain-fused-to-metal (a porcelain shell with a metal core), and solid porcelain or ceramic. The type of dental crown that is used in treatment depends on each patient’s unique needs and desires, and is usually largely influenced by the area of the mouth where the crown is being placed. When a dental crown is being applied to the front teeth, a solid porcelain or ceramic crown is often preferred, because it blends in seamlessly with the natural teeth, while still providing the strength and durability that our Fountain Valley patients desire.

Will a Dental Crown Look Natural?

The front teeth are highly visible when a person laughs, talks, or smiles. Because of this, it is especially important that dental crowns on the front teeth look natural and attractive. Dr. Mortensen ensures that dental crowns blend in seamlessly with the natural teeth by customizing every aspect of their appearance, including their size, shape, and color.  

How Much Does a Dental Crown Cost?

The cost of dental crown treatment varies widely. Treatment cost is affected by factors such as the type of dental crown that is placed (or the materials used to compose the crown), the number of dental crowns applied, and the experience of the dentist performing the procedure. Fortunately, most dental insurance plans provide coverage for at least part of the cost of dental crown treatment. Dr. Mortensen and his staff discuss dental crown treatment costs with their Fountain Valley patients, and help them determine the amount of out-of-pocket expenses they can expect.

What to Expect during Treatment

Dental crown treatment usually takes place in two stages. The first stage of treatment is focused on designing a restoration that fits correctly while meeting the patient’s aesthetic needs, and preparing the tooth for crown placement. To accommodate a dental crown, the natural tooth is reshaped by removing damaged material. Once alterations have been made, molds are taken of the treatment area. These molds, along with design plans, are sent to a dental laboratory where the dental crown is fabricated.

When the permanent dental crown is complete, patients return for the second stage of treatment, which is focused on dental crown placement. Dr. Mortensen tests the fit of the restoration and makes any last-minute adjustments that may be needed. When he is satisfied with the fit of the crown, he cements it in place using a dental compound. The compound is hardened with a special dental light that completes the bonding process.

Contact Us

If your front teeth have been damaged by injury or decay, or are compromised by cosmetic blemishes, you may be an ideal candidate for dental crowns. To learn more about dental crown treatment, and whether it may be right for you, send us a message online, or call (714) 964-4183 to schedule an appointment with Dr. Andrew G. Mortensen.