Andrew G. Mortensen D.D.S.

Benefits of Sedation Dentistry

Oct 26, 2021 @ 02:15 PM — by Andrew Mortensen, DDS
Tagged with: Sedation Dentistry

Going to the dentist can be a harrowing experience for some patients. That’s why Andrew G. Mortensen, DDS, offers sedation dentistry for multiple treatment plans to patients in the Fountain Valley, CA, area.

Patients often avoid the dentist for years at a time because of their dental anxieties. They find themselves propelled into a vicious cycle of nerves that causes them to avoid the dentist. As a result, they end up with more dental issues, leading to even more anxiety. Sedation dentistry allows the patient to relax and gently fall into various degrees of comfort during treatment. Learn how sedation can benefit you.

Why Sedation Is Important

Being afraid of the dentist is a fact of life for many patients. The good news is, sedation dentistry can address different levels of dental anxiety. Before your treatment, our caring staff will make you as comfortable. Thanks to oral conscious sedation, you will have little or no memory of the treatment.

Popular Reasons for Sedation Dentistry

Here are some popular reasons for dental sedation:

Our patients in Fountain Valley, CA, trust us to take their concerns seriously and offer viable solutions to give them the best care experience possible.

Relieves Dental Anxiety

Contrary to popular belief, dental anxiety isn’t a fear that only affects children. Also known as dental phobia, dental anxiety is a serious condition that affects around 20% of American adults.

Dental phobia more than simple apprehension. Patients experience an abject fear that causes serious complications for their oral health and general wellness. Frankly, it would be dangerous to perform dental procedures on a patient who was that anxious. Sedation dentistry allows the patient to be blissfully unaware as the dentist completes their treatment.

Helps with Sensitive or Aching Teeth

Everyone is unique, and we all have different tolerances for discomfort. Some people have a toothache and go about their day as they usually would, while others find themselves unable to complete daily tasks because their pain is so severe.

Sedation ensures that your comfort has the first priority during your appointment. While sedated, you will not be aware of your surroundings, nor will you remember the treatment once you wake. You will only know that you had a smooth, easy experience.

Ideal for Complex Dental Issues

You don’t have to have sensitive teeth or a dental phobia to benefit from sedation dentistry. Sedation is common for patients that have to receive multiple dental procedures in one visit.

Many patients consider sedation worth the additional expense if it means they can have all their work done at once. In other cases, one procedure might be contingent on another, causing the patient more discomfort than they can comfortably handle. Sedation ensures a pleasant and peaceful experience.

Schedule Your Consultation

Time to break the cycle of dental anxiety. Now that you know you have options other than living with dental anxiety, take the next step toward controlling your oral health on your terms. Dr. Mortensen is standing by with a compassionate team to assist you. Give our office in Fountain Valley, CA, a call at (714) 964-4183 or send us a message online to schedule an appointment.