Andrew G. Mortensen D.D.S.

Implant-supported Bridge vs. Implant-supported Dentures

Apr 28, 2022 @ 09:07 AM — by Andrew Mortensen, DDS
Tagged with: Dental Implants Dental Bridges Dentures

Missing teeth can lead to facial drooping, dental shifting, and impaired oral function. Dental implants help replace missing teeth to support optimal oral health, enhance your appearance, and increase your confidence.

At Andrew G. Mortensen, DDS, Inc., our Fountain Valley, CA, dentist helps patients regain control over their oral health and appearance with dental implants. He can skillfully place sturdy restorations, like implant-supported bridges or dentures, on top of dental implants to replace one or more missing teeth. 

If you’ve heard of implant-supported dental restorations, then you might be wondering: What’s the difference between an implant-supported bridge vs. implant-supported denture? Our team is here to help you explore the differences so that you can make a fully-informed decision about your oral health.

Dental Implants

It is crucial for patients to understand that, regardless of the restoration, implant-supported prosthetics will require oral surgery. However, the procedure has a nearly 98% success rate; we use sterile tools, quality materials, and contemporary techniques to maintain excellent success rates.

Following implantation, our team can place a durable, lifelike restoration on top of a dental implant. But, you’ll need to consider which restoration is right for you first.

Implant-Supported Bridge

Patients in Fountain Valley and surrounding areas who are missing several teeth in a row may be ideal candidates for an implant-supported bridge. Unlike traditional bridges, implant-supported bridges do not rely on healthy surrounding teeth for support. Instead, they anchor directly onto one or more dental implants for unparalleled stability.

The benefits of implant-supported bridges over traditional bridges include:

Implant-Supported Dentures

Implant-supported dentures offer all of the same benefits as implant-supported bridges, but they are vastly different in function. Implant-supported bridges can replace several missing teeth in a row, whereas implant-supported dentures can replace an entire arch of missing teeth.

With implant-retained dentures, we strategically place dental implants to keep a full arch of dentures firmly in place. This prevents the restoration from moving and eliminates the need for messy dental adhesives. 

Which Is Right for Me?

Determining which restoration is right for you will require a thorough oral exam. Our team will assess your tooth, gum, and jawbone health before making recommendations.

In general, patients with healthy remaining teeth, disease-free gums, and sufficient jawbone density are ideal candidates for implant-supported bridges. Alternatively, patients with extensive tooth loss and unhealthy remaining teeth may need an implant-supported denture following a full-mouth extraction.

Discuss Implant-Supported Restorations With Us Today

Restoring your smile with an implant-supported restoration is a long-lasting and efficient way to replace missing teeth. At Andrew G. Mortensen, DDS, Inc., we can help you choose a restoration that fits your natural aesthetic, lifestyle, and budget.

If you’re ready to see which implant-supported restoration is right for you, then schedule a consultation at our Fountain Valley practice. New and existing patients can contact us or call us at (714) 964-4183.