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Oral Hygiene Tips to Start 2024 With a Smile By Andrew Mortensen, DDS on December 28, 2023

woman getting ready to brush her teethDuring the holidays, it’s easy for good oral hygiene to take a backseat. We get it. You’re busy! But with the new year fast approaching, consider making a healthy smile one of your resolutions for 2024

This simple commitment can have a cascade of positive effects on your entire body. In this article, I’ll outline some tips that I offer patients at my Huntington BeachCA, office. For example, the simplest place to start is with preventive care in the form of check-ups and cleanings.

Repairing Past Damage

If your holidays look anything like my team’s, you’re probably enjoying your fair share of treats, sweet coffee drinks, and red wine. These habits, which don’t necessarily stop once the holidays are over for many of us, can take a toll on your teeth. During a comprehensive exam, we can discuss whether you might benefit from:

  • Treatment for any cavities you’ve developed
  • Teeth whitening to restore a sparkle to dull teeth
  • Periodontal care to improve the health of your gums

Another concern that can be exacerbated during the holiday season is teeth grinding. Frantic last-minute shopping trips and dinners with extended family can increase stress levels. If you’re prone to clenching and grinding your teeth, this provides the perfect environment for TMJ disorder to flourish. Whether it’s a new or existing issue, we’d love to help you find relief at our Huntington Beach office.

Looking Forward With Healthier Habits

The start of the new year is a perfect time to commit or re-commit to some simple habits to protect your smile. We recommend:

  • Twice-yearly exams and cleanings at our office
  • Brushing your teeth twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste
  • Flossing at least once a day, preferably before you brush
  • Limiting sugary and starchy foods in your diet

If you’re worried about staining or want to extend the results of a whitening treatment, you might also want to be careful about the amount of darkly colored foods and drinks that you consume. If you can’t kick your daily coffee habit or don’t want to give up red wine, make sure to rinse your mouth with water afterward or even alternate sips of water as you drink your favorite beverage.

Common Concerns and Solutions

Like any resolution, you might feel strong at the start and then find that your motivation has completely fizzled before Groundhog’s Day. Some of the most common concerns and our solutions include:

  • Fear of Pain: Local anesthetic effectively blocks pain signals during dental work. If you’re still feeling anxious, we offer sedation options to help you relax.
  • No Dental Insurance: If you’re embarrassed about the fact you don’t have dental insurance, first know that you’re far from alone. To cover out-of-pocket costs, we accept financing through CareCredit® to make your care more affordable.
  • A Packed Schedule: After the holidays, especially, you might be feeling like your calendar was packed to the brim. Still, make sure to prioritize your dental health–it’s really a form of self-care. Plus, we open at 7:30 am Monday through Thursday which means many of our patients fit in appointments on their way to work.

Rest assured, no matter where any hesitation stems from, we’re more than happy to address your unique concerns.

Commit to a Healthy Start in 2024

Make 2024 the year you celebrate your strongest, healthiest smile. We also offer a range of cosmetic treatments so you can feel and look your best. Send a message to our Huntington Beach practice today to request an appointment.

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Andrew G. Mortensen, DDS

Andrew G. Mortensen, DDS

Dr. Andrew Mortensen is a top-rated dentist with training from the world-famous Las Vegas Institute. His exceptional care and expertise have earned him hundreds of 5-star reviews, and he is an accredited member of the:

  • American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry
  • American Dental Association
  • California Dental Association
  • Orange County Dental Society 

Ready to schedule a consultation at our Huntington Beach dental practice? Request an appointment online or call us at (714) 964-4183.

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Reach out to us today to set up an appointment and strengthen your oral health.
"I am proud to have served patients in our community. Through continuing education and state-of-the-art equipment, we are able to offer you and your family the high level of care you're looking for." Andrew G. Mortensen, D.D.S.

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