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General Dentistry

In addition to implant and cosmetic dentistry, our Orange County practice offers a wide array of general procedures that maintain the health of your teeth while having the added bonus of beautifying your smile!

General Dentistry

For example, sedation dentistry can eliminate dental anxiety, letting you breeze through the treatment you need with no pain or fear. We also offer full mouth reconstruction and rehabilitation so you can smile with confidence, and neuromuscular dentistry, an advanced branch of dentistry that can help us diagnose and cure jaw pain.

Neuromuscular Dentistry/TMJ Treatment

Traditional dentistry examines the teeth, gums, and bones of the mouth. But there is more to your mouth than that—the health of our nerves, muscles, and hard and soft tissues can affect our oral health and overall comfort. To better serve our Orange County patients, we offer neuromuscular dentistry—a branch of dentistry that looks at the muscles and nerves of your jaw and helps determine the optimal bite and jaw alignment. In examining these aspects of your mouth and jaw, neuromuscular dentistry helps relieve any jaw pain or discomfort.

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is the joint that attaches the lower jaw to temporal bone at each side of the skull. Millions of people suffer from TMJ disorders, which can cause pain, clicking of the jaw, headaches, an inability to open the jaw all the way, and other symptoms. TMJ disorders are caused by a bad bite (malocclusion), which is easy to correct. However, many dentists lack the skills to properly diagnose and treat TMJ problems. At our Orange County practice, we offer neuromuscular dentistry so the hard and soft tissues of the mouth and jaw can be brought into harmony. The advantages of neuromuscular dentistry are numerous; good alignment can make dental restorations last longer, improve your oral health, and eliminate pain or discomfort.

If you experience any jaw pain, you may have a TMJ disorder. This condition can be easily diagnosed and treated using neuromuscular dentistry. There's no reason to put up with the pain. Contact us today for an appointment.

Full Mouth Rehabilitation/Reconstruction

Patients from all over Orange County sometimes visit us with a combination of dental problems, thinking they are beyond help. Don't give up on your teeth! We can accomplish a full mouth reconstruction or rehabilitation through porcelain veneersdental implants, and other cosmetic dentistry options.

A smile can lose its beauty as a result of many factors. Some are in your control, and some aren't. Whatever your reasons for needing a smile makeover, we can design a treatment plan that is great for you. If fear of the dentist has been keeping you from getting the treatment you need, sedation dentistry can make your treatment quick, easy, and painless.

Old crowns, bridges, or fillings can take beauty away from your smile. We can fix these problems by fitting you with better bridges, or eliminating the need for them by installing dental implants. We can also replace old silver fillings with tooth-colored fillings that blend in so well, no one will notice them! Porcelain veneers and teeth whitening can also go a long way to beautify your teeth and make your smile shiny and uniform.

If you live in Orange County and need a full mouth rehabilitation/reconstruction for any reason, don't be embarrassed or afraid. We can give you the care you need, so you can smile with confidence! Contact us today to get started on a smile makeover.

Porcelain Crowns

Crowns, or caps, look and function just like natural teeth. They are often an ideal solution to treat teeth that are so decayed that they can't hold a filling, cracked or broken teeth, and teeth that are in danger of cracking down into the roots.

Crowns cover your teeth completely. They fit snugly at the gum and protect what remains of the natural teeth. Our crowns, made of the finest porcelain, are designed to precisely match the color, shape, and size of your existing teeth. They will look and feel completely natural— no one even has to know you've had dental work done!

If you are an Orange County resident in need of more extensive dental work or even a full mouth reconstruction, Dr. Mortensen may recommend a bridge be utilized to replace one or more teeth. These restorations are cemented onto the teeth and are referred to as "fixed" dentistry as opposed to a restoration of missing teeth with a removable appliance or partial denture.

Whatever method you choose, you will be sure to enjoy the added chewing strength and aesthetic appeal that porcelain crowns can bring. Contact us today to learn more about porcelain crowns.

Tooth-Colored Fillings

Metal fillings, made of an amalgam of mercury and silver, have been the standard for more than 100 years. Unfortunately, they have their shortcomings; they eventually turn black and can crack teeth as they expand. Metal fillings aren't made to last forever and can fail at inopportune times.

For a stronger and more natural-looking result, tooth-colored fillings are the obvious answer. These fillings are made of a durable resin or porcelain that is simple to apply and will strongly bond to teeth, helping to reinforce and strengthen your real teeth. Best of all, composite fillings require less of your tooth to be removed.

We can provide a bright, healthy, and strong smile with these exciting new techniques in adhesion dentistry. If you are an Orange County resident and need just one cavity filled or are seeking the replacement of old silver fillings as part of a full mouth rehabilitation, we can help. Contact our office today if you are interested in tooth-colored fillings.

Regular Examinations and Cleanings

Although twice-daily brushings and regular flossing are excellent for maintenance between office visits, regular dental examinations and cleanings are necessities for the maintenance of a healthy mouth. The staff at our Orange County office will help you keep your teeth and gums strong and disease-free, preventing the need for a full mouth rehabilitation later in life. To schedule a cleaning or consultation, please contact our office today.


With so many advances in modern dentistry, fewer people need to wear full dentures. If you have older dentures or think you may need dentures, you're in luck. Denture technology in the Orange County area has never been more advanced. A well-fitted, well-crafted pair of dentures can give the appearance of a full mouth reconstruction of your smile and be comfortable to wear.

Over time, dentures may become worn out or warped, causing wearers to look older than they really are and experience pain when chewing. Dr. Mortensen, a leading cosmetic dentist in Orange County, can replace worn out dentures with custom-made, state-of-the-art dentures that blend with your skin, hair, and even eye color. Your dentures will look as natural as possible, even down to the fillings – giving you a full mouth reconstruction without bridges or dental implants.

Types of Dentures

There are several types of dentures. Complete dentures replace all of your upper and lower teeth, and before you are outfitted with them, any remaining teeth will be extracted. Over dentures use one or more remaining teeth for support and provide more support while chewing, but cost more and require more dental appointments to complete the procedure. Lastly, partial dentures correct gaps left by a few missing teeth and are anchored to your real teeth using metal attachments. All types of dentures allow our patients to speak and chew normally.

Before going to the plastic surgeon, get a "face lift" with comfortable, attractive dentures at Andrew G. Mortensen, DDS Contact us to today to learn more about dentures.

Root Canals

Each of our teeth contains one or more “root canals” and a long, thin strand of dental pulp that extends down to the tooth's root and keeps the tooth alive and healthy. However, a tooth's pulp can become infected, leading to the death of the tooth's nerves. If this is untreated, the entire tooth can die. Root canals are designed to save such damaged teeth, to prevent further infection, and to eliminate the need for a future extraction.

Root canals are performed under anesthesia. Dr. Mortensen will drill a gap into the tooth, remove or reshape diseased pulp, and permanently seal the tooth with a tooth-colored crown. This crown restores the look and strength to the tooth, and prevents further infection. Root canals take one to two dental visits. Often, a temporary crown will be put on and a permanent one placed when no signs of infection remain.

We do our best to make root canals as painless as possible for our Orange County patients. We like to stress that root canals prevent future problems, which can lead to more pain and sometimes an extraction. We are sure to thoroughly numb the area around the affected tooth, and sedation dentistry is always an option that can help to eliminate pain and keep you calm and relaxed during the procedure. To learn more about root canals, please contact us today.


Many of the preventative techniques we use, such as brushing and flossing, don't just prevent cavities—they prevent periodontal (gum) disease.

In its early stages, periodontal disease is called gingivitis. Periodontal disease is caused by toxic bacteria—found in plaque—that attack the soft tissues of the mouth. In later stages, periodontal disease is characterized by loose teeth. Periodontal disease can lead to serious problems, including loss of teeth and bone, if left untreated.

Prevention, through careful brushing, flossing, and dental cleanings, is the best course of action to avoid periodontal disease. Gum problems—including redness, swelling, bleeding, and recession—and persistent bad breath are all early warning signs of the disease.

Keeping up with regular dental examinations and cleanings is integral to catching gum disease early and avoiding the need for extensive treatment.

For patients throughout Orange County, we can help you reverse the signs of early periodontal disease. Or, if we catch the disease late, we can provide you with a full mouth rehabilitation to restore health and beauty to your teeth. For more information, please contact our office today.

Orange County patients can rely on us for all their general dentistry needs, including sedation dentistry, full mouth reconstruction/rehabilitation, and neuromuscular dentistry. Contact us today to learn more about the procedures we offer or to schedule an appointment.

Andrew G. Mortensen, DDS

Andrew G. Mortensen, DDS

Dr. Andrew Mortensen is a top-rated dentist with training from the world-famous Las Vegas Institute. His exceptional care and expertise have earned him hundreds of 5-star reviews, and he is an accredited member of the:

  • American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry
  • American Dental Association
  • California Dental Association
  • Orange County Dental Society 

Ready to schedule a consultation at our Huntington Beach dental practice? Request an appointment online or call us at (714) 964-4183.

Contact Us Today

Reach out to us today to set up an appointment and strengthen your oral health.
"I am proud to have served patients in our community. Through continuing education and state-of-the-art equipment, we are able to offer you and your family the high level of care you're looking for." Andrew G. Mortensen, D.D.S.

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