Andrew G. Mortensen D.D.S.

Get Ready for Your Wedding Day With Dental Makeover Procedures

Nov 14, 2023 @ 03:58 PM — by Andrew Mortensen, DDS
Tagged with: Cosmetic Dentistry

Many people undergo cosmetic dentistry for major events and special occasions. A smile enhancement has helped people with big job interviews and presentations. They’ve also been helpful for dates, parties, and other social engagements.

So why not consider cosmetic dentistry for your wedding day? There are plenty of benefits for brides and grooms who plan ahead of time for a nuptial makeover.

No two makeovers are the same, so the team at our Huntington Beach, CA, practice would like to list some of the most popular cosmetic dentistry options for people getting married.

Dental Implants

Whether you’re missing one tooth or all of your teeth, many people can benefit from getting dental implants to help treat tooth loss. These artificial tooth roots can support crowns, bridges, and dentures with the same level of stability as natural tooth roots.

Completing treatment can take up to a year or more, so if you know you’re getting married well ahead of time, you can start the process now.


For people with crooked teeth, consider Invisalign® as a braces alternative. These clear plastic aligners can straighten teeth without being detected.

You can start your Invisalign treatment months before your wedding and keep your trays in during long stretches of the day. You’ll get the care you need without interrupting your enjoyment of the moment (or affecting too many wedding photos).

Gum Reshaping

For gummy smiles or other gumline issues, there’s always periodontal contouring to reshape the gums. The process can totally revise the gumline, making your smile appear more prominent and more radiant.


Many cosmetic dentists rely on dental veneers to mask imperfections. This is because veneers are so versatile. Thanks to veneers, a dentist can treat the following problems:

All you may need for a marriage makeover are a few carefully placed veneers.

Teeth Whitening

Is your smile not as bright as it could be? Consider teeth whitening to remove stains and discoloration. The treatment uses powerful bleaching agents to whiten stains at the surface of the tooth enamel. It may take a few sessions to get your smile totally stain-free, but the outcome of treatment can give you that dazzling appearance you’ve wanted for a while.

Custom Makeovers Can Make All the Difference

A lot of people need more than one kind of treatment to get the results they’re looking for. That’s why our Huntington Beach practice offers total smile makeovers. These procedures combine multiple treatments to address the different dental problems a person may face.

When you stop by our practice for a consultation, we can discuss what combination of procedures would be the best option for you and your needs.

Contact Us to Get the Makeover Process Started

Want to learn more about wedding makeovers? Would you like a treatment timeline so you can make sure you’re ready for the big day? You’ll need to set up an appointment with us first. To set up a consultation, contact our dental office in Huntington Beach.